Success! No Prior Approval Required for Forestry Building in Rural Sheffield

Success! No Prior Approval Required for Forestry Building in Rural Sheffield

Prism Ag was approached by a client with a block of unmanaged woodland on a hillside above a reservoir in the Sheffield district, the applicant wanted a building in which to store forestry machinery in association with managing the woodland block.
An independent Arboricultural Consultant was drafted in to prepare a 10-year Woodland Management Plan and incorporated 10-year Felling Licence at the site, Prism Ag prepared and submitted a Prior Approval application for the Forestry Building under GPDO Part 6, Class E on behalf of the client, the LPA approved the application for a steel portal-framed building clad in anthracite grey cladding to prevent the building standing out in the Green Belt, the location was outside the National Park area.