Success! No Prior Approval Required for Agricultural Building in Kirklees

Success! No Prior Approval Required for Agricultural Building in Kirklees

Prism Ag prepared an Agricultural Statement for Planning using appropriate industry calculations to justify that the proposed general purpose agricultural building in the Kirklees Council area, met the essential need of the applicants agricultural trade or business, and the application was submitted using the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) 2015 (as amended), Schedule 2, Part 6, Class A – agricultural developments on units of 5ha or more. The Local Authority, despite the submission of comprehensive evidence and information from the Agricultural Statement for Planning, ran out of time on the application and requested a time extension on the day the decision was due, having not requested that prior approval was required and also running out of time the LPA decided that No Prior Approval was required and issued the decision accordingly.

This success followed a previous refusal at the farm holding in 2017 by another agent who submitted an application with a lack of evidence or justification for the size of the barn proposed, as it happened once the calculations had been prepared, there was clear justification that the agricultural building required needed to be larger than previously stated.

It is often the case that not enough information has been submitted for the Prior Notification route by applicants and some agents to prove there is a genuine agricultural trade or business and to justify the floorspace and proposed scale of the building within the application for LPA's to make an informed decision which often leads to refusals.
Have you had an agricultural building refused based on a lack of information? Get in touch with Prism Agriculture Ltd on 0800 135 7450 or 'Make an Enquiry' on our contact page