Success! Agricultural Occupancy Condition (AOC) removed from property in South Yorkshire
Prism Ag has successfully removed an Agricultural Occupancy Condition (AOC) or Ag Tie / Ag Tag from a detached farmhouse in South Yorkshire.
The condition attached to the detached property was somewhat unique as it included both an equestrian and agricultural clause which was specific with an occupancy restriction to 'a person solely or mainly working, or last working in the locality in horse breeding, agriculture or in forestry'
Prism Ag successfully removed the AOC in 6 weeks and at no point was the property offered for sale or rent. In fact the occupiers had previously been in breach of the occupancy restriction for over 10 years as their main income was derived from agricultural diversifications on the farm, and not from agriculture itself nor from the breeding of horses, in this case a Certificate of Lawfulness (CLEUD) was gained for the for the breach of occupancy condition, preventing enforcement action by the Local Authority, following this Prism Ag was successful in removing the Occupancy Condition entirely.
The end result for the clients is that the property is now free of the restricted Agricultural Occupancy Condition / Ag Tag / Ag Tie, but the property now also benefits from its full permitted development rights and could be extended as a standard use class C3 residential dwelling and also sold at full market value.